I am one of those people who can hold a grudge for sure. I will let things go I will give you warning after warning but if you don't change your ways and continue to push me I blow up like the coyote chasing the road runner strapped to a rocket. And let me tell you over a month ago I got a big order from a.c.m.e. I blew up so bad I am still floating some where in the atmosphere.
Sometimes there are just tooo many things said and too many things you let go and let slide for soo long and then it is just ...well I don't know where to go from here. If it was just a friend I could just not be Friends with her anymore or not talk to her for like 10 years until I am not mad anymore but she is my husbands family. This has caused lots of turmoil for him and we all know how I feel about him and how much I love him but where do you draw the line.
So I am hoping to get over this but I am not sure how....man I wish someone actually read this thing and could give me advice lol.
Anyway I did brave the Arctic tundra outside to get a picture of the car formerly known as the beast for all you people who I pretend read this. This picture here is "The Red Dragon" my very clever husband came up with her name. He stole it from a fav movie Old School. Will Farrel has his car the red dragon and he says "she isn't exactly street legal" which defanity describes this little dude seeing as it has a exhaust fixed with a peach can,no power steering,or rear view mirror. I haven't rode in her yet but I am still sorta endeared to her . :)
So there you have her people in all her glory The Red Dragon.
So yeah I am hoping to take a bath and mull over things in my head. Please if anyone should happen upon this and knows how to get over hating someone who you have to see and deal with and have them around but not put up with their crap please fill me in because I have no clue it is not my forte. I am just at a loss. I keep sitting here pausing and thinking and I just don't know. I think it is pretty needless to say that I didn't get much lace knit today. I was too angry and if I messed it up I would really be mad. But my kitchen is spotless and sparkle since it was cleaned top to bottom out of anger lol.
Well people off to try for that bath and some chocolate....
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