Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fun weekend family visit/ fire monster first fishing trip

 I woke up friday morning to my sister in law calling to make sure I knew her, my brother in law, and my father in law would all be there that night for the weekend!  I didn't have a clue! I got up and got to work.  Monkey butt had girl scout camp and we had tons to get done around here.  So we got the house in order, got her packed, sent her off, set up the guest bedroom, and then my hubby lay down for a nap so he could stay up with his family (he works over nights)  When they got here we were grilling, but my hubby got a migraine and he had to lay back down. So I got everyone fed, cleaned up dinner, and he still wasn't good so I ran him to the e.r.  One shot in the but and a zofran under the tongue later he was good to go.  

Next morning he worked the morning.  I had set up hash brown casserole for breakfast the night before so  I got up threw that in the oven got everyone fed, and got  us ready.  When my hubby got off work we got everyone packed into wally for a adventure. (left to right: my brother in law daniel, my hubby ben, my sister in law bernie, our adoptie/abductie Pat my neighbor, fire monster and me.)

 (daniel showing he is 8 months pregnant too, my benji, bernie, firemonster and my father in law danny)
First stop was manerds to get some fishing stuff.  Grandpa had decided it was time fire monster go on her first fishing trip and he was gonna take her.  So they picked out a fishing pole.

 She was sooo excited (who doesn't want a light up princess fishing pole right?)
 Grandpa won huge points for that one.
  Here we are on the way out to the lake..
 Load everyone up in the van and hit the road.  It was too fun.
 Here is my sister in law and Fire monster having a good time in the back and giggling away.

 Get to the lake and fire monster and grandpa set up her fancy fishing pole. 
 She fished for quiet a while
 She loved every minute of it
 She became quiet the caster.
 I think someone will be making a great fishing buddy.
 The only thing she caught was a cat fish (whiskers with her toy fish on the line when she got home lol) but she had a good time..
 Eventually she decided it was swimming time.
 We went back to eat and her and auntie bernie played in the water for quiet a while building sand castles,
 and climbing trees.
We were all pooped out and went home to grill and have a bonfire.  It was a last minute but very fun visit and one trip to the e.r. is not bad for a Powers family visit esp. considering it wasn't for a injury.  Everyone headed home this morning and my hubby is off at work, and I am waiting for Monkey butt to get dropped off after girl scout camp but you better believe my hubby is planning on running fishing after work with his new fishing buddy. ;)

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