Sunday, December 30, 2012

Baby knits

 Okay so if you didn't guess by my last post I am expecting!!  Me and my hubby had been kicking the idea around.  Then I had another ovarian cyst and my dr. said it was probably due to the fact that the hormone in my i.u.d. was less the the amount in my body and needs to be replaced.  Then the talking got serious.  It was now or never because next year my firemonster will be in school all day and if we weren't I was going to get a new i.u.d.We made the decision.  :)  I went in in sept. got my i.u.d. out and we have been trying ever since.  It took a few months for my body to get back on track.  I was very excited to get the good news friday morning.  I am 4 weeks along (not far I know) In the mean time between while we were trying I was knitting baby stuff to keep my head in the game.  I thought this would be a fun post to share some of the cute stuff that I knit up.
These are the Garter Stripe Baby Socks.  They were simple and cute as can be.

 Then I knit up a cute pair of fleegle's seamsless saarje booties 

 I love this pattern have knit it a ton of times and will probably make these more in the future.

Then I knit a pair of stylish baby boots.  These guys are soo cute and I love knitting them.  I knew figured I would probably run low on the tan color so I made them two tone and I love how they came out.

 I decided I loved knitting the pattern so much I knit it again in a grey color. 

Love knitting baby stuff it is instant gratification and there is nothing cuter for sure.  My first doctors appointment is a few weeks away. So far things are good just more tired then usual but it is early yet lol.   Hope you guys enjoy the baby knits. I love them!

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