Sunday, November 21, 2010

great weekend.

I had a great weekend spent some great time with my hubby. After him having sooo much over time over the summer and working the two jobs it is soo nice to have him around. He really is my best friend and I miss him when he is gone all the time. He is a great dad and huge help around the house.

We spent the morning at the zoo with fire monster yesterday and then we went to harry potter with the whole family while my brother in law (very bravely kept a eye on fire monster) We did get some horrible news on the way home. One of my nieces friends big sister (who megan was in dance with) passed away. She was only 13 years old and she contracted strep a and she was sick less then a week. It was awful news that just makes you hug your babies and your heart break for that poor family of the beautiful blond girl Kaleigh Faeh.
I got a cupcake hat started and started a different hat to cleanse my palette. I got very little done though because this weekend was just more of a reading type of weekend. I finished Earthly delights and started heavenly pleasures. It is a good series although I didn't' realize it takes place in Australia and some of the sayings and terms throw me for a loop but all in all I like it a nice feel good read that made me get up and bake home made bread this morning. :)

We had a great dinner. This is a new one for me but it is sooo good...Potato Pizza. I know bucas has a pizza with potatoes on it. For this one I use Alfredo sauce. I slice potatoes using a potato peeler so it is paper thin slices cover the Alfredo sauce in the sliced top it with FRESH MOZZARELLA and some Oscar Meyer bacon crumbles. Soooo good. I spent most of the morning while my hubby worked cleaning and reorganising my kitchen which felt nice and when he got home I went through monkey butts drawers and made her narrow down her clothes by about half so her drawers will shut and what we took out will be put up for fire monster. (we have a large family and some great friends so we get lots of wonderful hand me downs in great condition) Alas she does need good pant length leggings it seems every thing is capris and a few more pair of jeans. Maybe Santa will hear my plea. ;)

But I am going to have to make some decisions and start my ramp my Christmas gift making. I was begging to put up decorations today but my hubby is firmly a after thanks giving sort of guy so no go. But oh well. I am off to finish my cocoa and read before bed. Hope you guys had a great weekend and hug your sweet baby's and say a extra prayer for the sweet Kaleigh Faehs family tonight.

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