Thursday, September 30, 2010

broke back mountiain weekend

So it is that time. My hubby has packed his bags and headed up north for a fishing trip with the buddies. I always tease him about this because...he doesn't own a fishing pole. I always tease him and call it broke back mountain weekend. In all honest truth his buddy who owns the cabin has more then enough fishing poles so he borrows. But it gives me good material to pick on my hubby. So me and the girlie's are sitting on the couch at this very moment watching a movie (little monsters) and eating popcorn. :) good times. Soon they will go to bed and I think I will maybe hop in the tub for one is my lovely long soaks and watch some Veronica Mars on netflix. :)
But I had to show you guys what I have been up to...

These are Calvin's newest pair of as he calls them " crazy socks". He loves hand knit socks. The pattern is Hermione's everyday socks. It was easy and seems to fit the foot nice and snug.

I of coarse had to do my preferred method of short row heels and toes. I had monkey butt try them on. They have the same size feet. So it works out really great when I make Calvin socks. :)

I actually just cast on for my own pair :) I always tease my hubby about abandoning me with the monsters for days when he goes to the cabin and it did used to be very hard. Fire monster is such a daddies girl that it used to be rough and it still does suck sometimes like when we had severe weather and tornado warnings every night last time he went. In all honesty though it is sorta nice and I look forward to having some bonding time and getting me time when the girls are asleep and what not. Sometimes a sister even comes and stay the night But I do miss my honey when I go to bed.
Well people I am off to take full advantage of my time sans the man of the house. I will keep you up dated on all the girlie business I am up to this weekend. Hasta luego.

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