Saturday, February 15, 2014

progress at new house.

 We have slowed down on the packing since there isn't much else we can do on that front right now and started prepping the other house starting with the family room because it is getting new carpet on Tues and we need to get it painted before then.  Here is the before.  With its off white stained icky walls that were in dire need of a good paint job and its dated wood paneling.
 Day one we only had a few hours so we started by doing a good coat of primer over all of the wood work.

 Then day two we started to paint tea biscuit on the wood work/ lower half of the room.  Monkey butt came that night to help out.

 Day 3 was the day we had the most time about 7 hours.  We got a second coat of tea biscuit on and taped off using this process as to not get any bleeding it work very well and was easy.

 Then we started painting Malibu sand on the top and all the walls that weren't paneling.

We got two coats on the family room and ripped up the tape but we still need to do some on the hall but ran out of paint so that is the start of the project for today day four.
But here is the difference so far
It really warmed up and updated the space I couldn't be more happy.  Now just needs the new carpet which is coming on Tuesday.  I hope you guys are enjoying this progress and it isn't boring you too badly with all the moving tips and renos.  This is my life right now lol.  Next up is my room which will be started today. :)  Have a good day guys.

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