Tuesday, August 5, 2014

gwynniebee ootd

I have been such a bum lately with being sick and surgery and all but today I had some office hours I needed to put in and I got a cute new top from Gwynniebee yesterday so I HAD to do a outfit of the day. For those of you who aren't familiar gwynniebee is a clothing service that specializes in high end clothing for sizes 10 and up.  You fill your online closet with as many outfits as you can (Tip: the more you have the quicker they can ship) and you can do anywhere from one to 3 outfits at a time (tip: go in and click sent back and they will mail your next outfit out so you don't have to wait;).  I have been doing it for two months now and love it.  My weight is up a bit and I don't want to purchase clothes in a bigger size again but I need some cute stuff to wear to work and what not.  So it works perfect!  Best part you can try it for a month for free so no harm no foul ;) The shirt from gwynniebee was the coldwater creek floral rain shell top and I paired it with my mossimo ankle pants from target and a necklace from shoplately
I have a dress that I LOVE from gwynnie bee and I have had it for a while and worn it numerous times and I may just have to purchase it but I will for sure do a ootd with it tomorrow.  Be sure to check out my original review. 
I totally recommend swinging over and trying it at least for a month for free.   I have had great luck with outfits and the customer service at the company has been great.  If I have to wait more then 3 or 4 days for something to be mailed they add extra outfits to my account (so I get 2 at a time instead of one for a example) and they extended my free trial by a week because it took them a couple days to mail out my first order!!! They have no clue I am a blogger or that I would share this info they just have great customer service :)  Let me know how you like it is you try it. Have a good day guys.
ps everytime I wear something from gwynnie bee I get tons of complements :)


  1. Love the outfit! Your new flooring looks great, and Max is getting so big! Glad I can finally comment again. :)

  2. I am soo glad you can too!! I can't believe it took me this long to figure out how to fix that! I had so many comments I never knew about! Its good to hear from you :)
