so my Sunday went like this...
Ben started work at 6:30 a.m. I got up around 8:30 a.m. ate some strawberry shortcake with fire monster for breakfast. Asked her if she wanted to help with chores or watch tv in her room. Set her up with tv in her room and then started my chores. I started folding laundry in came fire monster. She seemed to never have left from under my feet for the rest of the day...
I did chores and listened to a Charlaine Harris sookie stackhouse book on my ipod until about noonish.

Painted my toenails with a cute french pedicure. watched deadliest catch and knit for like 10 hours while that dried...
got like 5 calls from the ex asking if Ben was off yet to meet him and take monkey butt home...
did more chores...
broke in some heels...
cooked lunch....
took fire monster potty 90 times...
put dinner in crock pot...
called the hubby and complained and begged him to come home, was he almost done, did he have any clue when he would be done...
put one deadliest catch and knit some more....
fought with fire monster...
did more chores...
got 5 more calls from ex....
called hubby whined more....
about 6:00 said screw it and made a margarita....
(not the margarita with deadliest catch crab fishers in the back ground...hi boys keep up the good work)
turned a heel...
got call from ex...
called hubby....
turned another heel.....
monkey butt got home....
swept up about 200 ants and gave them a burial at sea (flushed them)...
made burritos and took my jug of margarita and lap top into the bathroom to take a long quiet bath while watching deadliest catch....
I made it Ben's 12 hour day is over... he put in over 80 hours this week and I would like to thank both sookie stackhouse, All of the elite Alaskan crab fisher man, and the makers of margaritaville margarita mix... We made it through boys and everyone made it home safe... :)