Well I didn't make it to my Christmas party last night which really sucks but nothing I can change so moving on. I did get to watch public enemy's during which I got knitting one of the dish cloths knit for my sister (she requested some for Christmas don't ask)
I watched Julie and Julia which I absolutely loved it was cute. I just love Amy Adams. She is great. I got up in the middle of the night for toast while watching it because it made me want butter soo bad lol. It was very good and I am not a Julia child's fan I always thought she was sorta creepy lol.
This morning I got up got my coffee (and more toast) and even though the husband was cranky and whining and taking for ever to do everything and the kids were under foot and driving me crazy I got my day going the right way by washing and folding numerous loads of laundry stripping sheets getting clean sheets on all three beds and getting the old ones washed and I managed to bake some wonderful pumpkin cinnamon chip cookies (which might I add I got from Leslie friends blog a friend to knit with who i totally heart btw and the cookies are sooo delish) durning the process of doing laundry and sheets and also made lunch went over 9 spelling words with monkey butt ,made flash cards, and had a few books read to me. (might I add that while I did all of this plus cook and cleaned up breakfast my husband only managed to get in his fantasy football picks and go through a tiny stack of papers and two small not very messy desk drawers!!!!but was busy the whole two hours) Does this only happen at my home where it takes my husband ten times the amount of time to accomplish anything? It is ridiculous some days.
Anyway I was very relieved when the cranky husband and monkey butt were off to do there share for the day I finished up cleaning up after lunch and sat down to watch some more true blood and knit up these lovely little buggers..
I call them the butter mittens they are toddler size made out of us 4 needles and regia softy yarn. It took just under half a skein to knit them up. I co 32 stitches joined in the round
10 rows of ktbl,k
rows 1-4 k
left mitten row 5 k16 ,pm, bl k2 bl,pm, k14 right mitten k14, pm bl, k2, bl, pm, k16
row 6 k
and increase two stitches after markers every other row until you have 12 stitches between markers then knit one more row
next row knit to marker place those 12 stitches between on waist yarn and knit right past them.
knit 12 rows of st. st.
left mitten
k1, ssk, k9, k2tog, k2, ssk, k9, k2tog, k1
k1 row
k1,ssk, k7, k2tog, k2, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1
k1,ssk, k5, k2tog, k2, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1
k1 row
k1,ssk, k3, k2tog, k2, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1
k1 row
sew the rest together kitchner stitch
right mitten knit four stitches move to other needle then
k1, ssk, k9, k2tog, k2, ssk, k9, k2tog, k1 (make sure to shift stitches so they are even on needles as you go)
k1 row
k1,ssk, k7, k2tog, k2, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1
k1,ssk, k5, k2tog, k2, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1
k1 row
k1,ssk, k3, k2tog, k2, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1
k1 row
then kitchner stitch closed
They make the most lovely mittens ever any little kid would love :)
pick up 12 thumb stitches plus two through the joining place and knit them together with the other stitches so you still have 12 stitches.
knit 7 rounds st st
k2tog all around then break yarn thread through and pull closed :)
here are my messy abbreviations (st st= stockenet stitch pm=place marker k=knit bl= add stitch by backward loop k2tog=knit two togather ssk=slip slip knit)
If any one actually knits these please let me know and let me know how you like them :)
I think my next feat is to knit a pair of mittens that stay on I have some ideas I will keep you posted :) as for me I am off to watch some tv and maybe have cocoa and one of my wonderful cookies. I can't wait. Now lets all hope that my lovely hubby comes back the great guy that I love and things will be better ;)