Monday, May 12, 2008

Ah a victory in cleaning

Well I am starting to take back my house. the stove was taken apart and cleaned me and my Boo boo cleaned the front of fridges dishwasher stoves scoured bathrooms and vacuumed and scrubed all over the place. She sat down in the recliner as i started to cook dinner and just woke up. My little Gizmo ate with me played and crashed about eight like usual but she should be up not too long from now to have a snack with her daddy and play. So the big high for the day was... me and ben have been playing a endless game of what is that smell in our car lately. It has been driving me up the wall. our car was not that dirty but good lord it just did not smell good. I have had weird things happen before like a apple slipped out of my lunch when I was younger and rolled under car seat where it went bad. So we were leaving no leaf unturned we moved the baby everything at the car wash as we vacuumed well we found it and let me tell you our car didn't smell as bad as it should have. There was a bag of cheese in the pocket on the back of the passenger seat!!!!!!!!!! AAAAh I am both delighted to be rid of the smell but mortified that such a thing happened to me.

but It feels soooo good and satisfying to be home and have a clean house clean car and fresh start for the day tomorrow with very little chores ahead of me. Tomorrow is our Saturday around here because ben has Tues and wed off so I think I should technically get to celebrate mothers day these days. I know he is giving me one of his great pedicures. I am looking forward to that. I am trying very hard to ignore the whining from the little girl in the other room who slept through dinner and woke up cranky and is turning her nose up at peanut butter her favorite meal of all time she would typically live off. She apparently wants pancakes the thing she turned her nose up at before falling asleep. Never happy are they.

Well I am going to sit here and drink my cup of tea (grams style with lemon heads) I am going work on my shrug and drink my tea and listen to the endless complaints of a 4 year old and try to remember that she was so great earlier hanging out and cleaning with her mama. I think a fight is going to break out between her and the cat any minute he is irritating her big shock.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you found the source of the smell...and you are not alone! Ask me why my mom starting hiding *plastic* easter eggs....!
