So today the hubby, my sister ang, my nephew cal, fire monster and I went to the como zoo in st paul. It just got a new exhibit for the polar bears. There old one was very sad. They have allot more room and also some grass now. I also we saw the new baby orangutan. It was very cute.
Then quick trip with the sis to Ikea for some stuff for the sis's house. I then came home and made some more clippies.
I made some more orange ones and some orchids.
These are some cute little orange ones..
and here are the orchids. The ones on the left are more green then they look..
These are some cute little orange ones..
and here are the orchids. The ones on the left are more green then they look..
here it is on fire monster..
Other then that it has been very quiet around here since monkey butt got out of school. I spent allllll day yesterday cleaning house from top to bottom and I am going to try to keep it up the the best I can with both kids under toe. lol Hope every one is doing great.
Too cute~love the look of the two orange rose one!